地震的原因?Tuesday, Apr. 20, 2010Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young 仲介網men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which increases 室內裝潢earthquakes. · HOJATOLESLAM KAZEM SEDIGHI, · 室內設計 an Iranian Muslim cleric, blaming female promiscuity for 系統傢俱the rise in earthquakes · 一位伊郎慕斯林教的教員, 箝商空設計責不首婦道的原因導致· 地震四起:· 婚紗 很多婦女穿著不知節制, 導致年輕人誤入歧途· 當舖 腐敗心靈甚至出軌都來了, · · 鑽石 這就是增加地震的元兇!Photo: MARWAN NAAMANI / AFP / Getty | Source: THE 票貼GUARDIAN Read more: 長灘島http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,1983225,00.html#ixzz0liN9wWyQ

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